sign up at the bottom of this page
Workshop Description
A pay-per-class option for writers looking to do some writing exercises, get sketch writing tips, connect with other writers and get feedback on their sketches. Writers submit sketches before each class, hear their sketches read aloud, and receive feedback from John and fellow classmates during the Drop-In. Students may drop-in whenever they have new material or just want to hang with writers!
General Information
Check website for Drop-In dates and times
$25.00 per class
Location(s) - Online Zoom Course
Open to students of all skill levels.
Writers may submit one sketch per Drop-In
- One (1) sketch is defined as:
One (1) Comedy Sketch up to 7 pages, formatted in standard script format
Two (2), short sketches 2 to 3 pages in length formatted in standard script format
Other material (beat sheets, treatments, etc.) subject to John's approval
Students who wish to get feedback on their sketches, MUST submit their sketch no later than the posted deadline - normally 24 hours before the class begins.
Please Note: Full-length screenplays, half-hour spec scripts, one act plays and short film scripts do not qualify in this format. If you are unsure if your material qualifies for the class, please contact John to discuss
As this is an online course, students must have a consistent and reliable internet connection to sustain participation in class.
* Must have at least 4 Students enrolled to proceed. Full refunds for canceled workshops.
Terms & Conditions
Class length will vary depending on the number of students attending each class.
**SPACES ARE LIMITED. The class fee of $25.00 is required to reserve a spot. This fee is non-refundable unless the workshop is canceled by me. However, if you miss a held class, you may apply the fee to the next available Drop-In.
Thanks for reading! Looking forward to working with you and doing a lot of laughing! Please contact me with any questions.